"YI HE TANG" Trademark application no 4-2019-47375 of Wuhan Yihui Drinking Technology Co., Ltd.

"YI HE TANG" Trademark application no 4-2019-47375 of Wuhan Yihui Drinking Technology Co., Ltd.

2024.07.11 - 2029.11.22
Wuhan Yihui Drinking Technology Co., Ltd. (foreigner)
No.1, 24th Floor, Unit 2, Building C8, Rongke Zhigu Industrial Project (Phase 3), Liqiao Village, Hongshan District, Wuhan, Hubei, China
Trademark/ Normal
32 (1 classes)
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Công ty TNHH tư vấn Sở hữu trí tuệ IPFLAME
Tầng 2, tháp C, tòa nhà Udic Complex Hoàng Đạo Thúy, phường Trung Hòa, quận Cầu Giấy, thành phố Hà Nội
A: 383A - 2020.02.25
2019.11.22 Submit the application
2020.01.15 221 - Decision to accept valid application
2020.02.25 Announcement A
2023.10.24 243- Notice of content examination results (rejection)
2024.01.24 997 Electronic receipt
2024.01.24 4100 SĐ4 Request to change the application (name and address of the applicant)
2024.01.24 4143 Respond to the notice of substantive examination
2024.01.26 4100 SĐ4 Request to change the application (name and address of the applicant)
2024.01.26 4329 Supplementary power of attorney
2024.01.26 997 Electronic receipt
2024.01.29 4143 Respond to the notice of substantive examination
2024.04.09 4190 Other OD TL (OD TL may refer to various official documents)
dd.MM.yyyy To view application progress, you need to register for a paid account.
dd.MM.yyyy To view application progress, you need to register for a paid account.
dd.MM.yyyy To view application progress, you need to register for a paid account.
To view application progress, you need to register for a paid account.
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