"YI HE TANG [yì: thuận lợi, hé: ngũ cốc táng: sảnh chính]" Trademark application no 4-2018-28696 of Wuhan Yihui Drinking Technology Co., Ltd.

"YI HE TANG [yì: thuận lợi, hé: ngũ cốc táng: sảnh chính]" Trademark application no 4-2018-28696 of Wuhan Yihui Drinking Technology Co., Ltd.

2019.11.05 - 2028.08.23
Wuhan Yihui Drinking Technology Co., Ltd. (foreigner)
No. 1, 24th Floor, Unit 2, Building C8, Rongke Zhigu Industrial Project (Phase 3), Liqiao Village, Hongshan District, Wuhan, Hubei, China
Trademarks are fully protected. Do not protect individual Chinese characters.
Trademark/ Normal
43 (1 classes)
To view product and service details you need to register for a paid account.
Công ty TNHH Trường Xuân
Tầng 11, số 102 đường Trần Phú, phường Mộ Lao, quận Hà Đông, thành phố Hà Nội
A: 368A - 2018.11.26
B: 368A - 2019.12.25
2018.08.23 Submit the application
2018.09.26 221 - Decision to accept valid application
2018.11.26 Announcement A
2019.08.06 4118 Proposal letter for notifying the content
2019.09.27 251- Certificate issuance notice
2019.10.09 4151 Certificate issuance fee
2019.11.05 263- Decision to grant a certificate
2019.12.25 Announcement B
2022.04.05 4130-BLDT CB
dd.MM.yyyy To view application progress, you need to register for a paid account.
dd.MM.yyyy To view application progress, you need to register for a paid account.
dd.MM.yyyy To view application progress, you need to register for a paid account.
To view application progress, you need to register for a paid account.
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