
The information on VietnamTrademark.net is FOR REFERENCE PURPOSES ONLY and does not have any legal value. Even so, we still try our best to provide the most accurate and timely information. Users are recommended to refer to official information sources of state management agencies. We will not accept any responsibility resulting from the use of information on this website. The functions displayed on VietnamTrademark.net are still in the process of testing and perfecting, we look forward to receiving user contributions.

Data used to search this website is compiled from WIPO Global Trademark Database, ASEAN IP REGISTER Platform, NOIP Vietnam, Industrial Property Official Gazette and public information sources other. VietnamTrademark.net, World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), ASEAN IP REGISTRATION Platform, NOIP Vietnam is not responsible for the integrity or accuracy of the data on this website, in particular but not limited to to any deletion, manipulation or reformatting of data that may have occurred beyond its control.