"TEENEX" Trademark application no 4-2006-17096 of Công ty cổ phần MARICO SOUTH EAST ASIA

"TEENEX" Trademark application no 4-2006-17096 of Công ty cổ phần MARICO SOUTH EAST ASIA

2008.04.28 - 2026.10.11
Công ty cổ phần MARICO SOUTH EAST ASIA (organization)
Số 3, đường số 5, KCN Sóng Thần 1, phường Dĩ An, thị xã Dĩ An, tỉnh Bình Dương
Modification/transfer history
Trademark/ Normal
3 (1 classes)
To view product and service details you need to register for a paid account.
Văn phòng luật sư Phạm và Liên danh
Lầu 4, số 8 Nguyễn Huệ, Quận 1, TP Hồ Chí Minh
A: 243B - 2006.12.25
B: 243B - 2008.06.25
2006.10.11 Submit the application
2006.11.21 221 - Decision to accept valid application
2006.12.25 Announcement A
2008.03.31 251- Certificate issuance notice
2008.04.17 4151 Certificate issuance fee
2008.04.28 263- Decision to grant a certificate
2008.06.25 Announcement B
2008.07.31 4311 Transfer of ownership of the protection certificate
dd.MM.yyyy To view application progress, you need to register for a paid account.
dd.MM.yyyy To view application progress, you need to register for a paid account.
dd.MM.yyyy To view application progress, you need to register for a paid account.
To view application progress, you need to register for a paid account.
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