"NICECOOK" Trademark application no 4-2002-06816 of Công ty cổ phần ACECOOK Việt Nam

"NICECOOK" Trademark application no 4-2002-06816 of Công ty cổ phần ACECOOK Việt Nam

Expired (expired less than 3 years)
2003.12.26 - 2022.10.22
Công ty cổ phần ACECOOK Việt Nam (organization)
Lô II-3 và II-5, đường số 11, nhóm CN II, khu công nghiệp Tân Bình, quận Tân Phú, thành phố Hồ Chí Minh
Modification/transfer history
Trademark/ Normal
30 (1 classes)
To view product and service details you need to register for a paid account.
Văn phòng luật sư Phạm và Liên danh
Lầu 4, số 8 Nguyễn Huệ, Quận 1, TP Hồ Chí Minh
A: 01A - 1980.01.01
B: 01A - 2004.02.25
1980.01.01 Announcement A
2002.10.22 Submit the application
2002.11.05 4157 Supplementary power of attorney
2003.02.25 221 - Decision to accept valid application
2003.12.26 263- Decision to grant a certificate
2004.02.25 Announcement B
2004.03.30 4531 SB4 Request to change the name and address of the patent owner
2006.06.16 4531 SB4 Request to change the name and address of the patent owner
2008.05.22 4531 SB4 Request to change the name and address of the patent owner
2011.09.14 4512 GH4 Request for extending the protection certificate
2022.08.05 4512 GH4 Request for extending the protection certificate
dd.MM.yyyy To view application progress, you need to register for a paid account.
dd.MM.yyyy To view application progress, you need to register for a paid account.
dd.MM.yyyy To view application progress, you need to register for a paid account.
To view application progress, you need to register for a paid account.
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